Soldats de France - Association Nationale de Soutien à nos Soldats en Opération (ANSSO)
Le Point - Par Jean GUISNEL : Pendant ce temps, le général Jean-Louis Georgelin, chef d'état-major des armées (CEMA), poursuit la tournée des troupes françaises en Afghanistan, entamée hier. Il a...
Il y a un à Surobi dans la vallée d’Uzbin, tombaient sous les balles talibanes 10 de nos Soldats. Cette embuscade meurtrière et les cérémonies qui y firent suite rappelèrent violemment aux français...
Le 3e Régiment d'infanterie de Marine de Vannes a rendu les honneurs militaires, en fin de matinée, à Anthony Bodin, tué en Afghanistan le 1er août dernier. C'est sous un ciel gris et une pluie...
Toujours selon les informations recueillies par l'Amicale des anciens du 3eme RIMa auprès du Col Schill, nos deux blessés sont hors de danger. L'un d'entre eux, blessé par balle à la clavicule, a été...
Selon les informations recueillies par l'Amicale des anciens du 3ème RIMa auprès du Colonel Schill, voici le déroulement de l'embuscade du samedi .   Notre camarade BODIN, décédé dans les...
Jeudi, à 10:30h, un hommage militaire sera rendu à Anthony Bodin, caporal du 3e RIMa tué samedi dans la vallée de Ghayne, en Afghanistan. La cérémonie aura lieu à la caserne de Vannes en présence...
L'armée française a annoncé de nouveaux heurts avec les talibans lundi matin au cours desquels un soldat a été blessé. L'incident a eu lieu à Jalokheyl, dans le district...
Un caporal de 22 ans du 3eme RIMa à été tué en Afghanistan. Article de Jean GUISNEL  du point (voir l'article) Ils venaient aider la population, et tombent dans un piège Encore un mort ,...
Les soldats français viennent de perde l'un des leurs en Afghanistan. Un jeune Caporal de 22 ans de l'infanterie de Marine, affecté au 3eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine a été tué au cours d'un...
In the first incident, a soldier from The Light Dragoons was killed as a result of an explosion that happened whilst on a vehicle patrol in Lashkar Gah district, central Helmand province. In the...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Marine who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Pfc. Donald W. Vincent, 26, of Gainesville, Fla., died July 25 of wounds sustained...
It is with great regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that Bombardier Craig Hopson from 40th Regiment Royal Artillery (The Lowland Gunners) was killed in Afghanistan on Saturday 25 July...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Spc. Justin D. Coleman, 21, of Spring Hill, Fla., died July 24 in Nuristan Province,...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Marine who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Sgt. Ryan H. Lane, 25, of Pittsburgh, Pa., died July 23 of wounds suffered while...
Guardsman Christopher King killed in Afghanistan...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of two soldiers who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. They died July 22 in Zabul Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when an...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Spc. Raymundo P. Morales, 34, of Dalton, Ga., died July 21 in Methar Lam,...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of four soldiers who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. They died July 20 in Wardak Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when an...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon Sunday identified the soldier captured in Afghanistan on July 3 as 23-year-old private Bowe Bergdahl of Ketchum, Idaho. The U.S. Defense Department said in a...
Private Benjamin Ranaudo (22) was killed by an anti-personnel explosive device in Afghanistan yesterday. Private Ranaudo was a member of the Townsville based 1st Battalion, the Royal Australian...
LONDON (Reuters) - A British army soldier killed in an explosion in Afghanistan was named on Friday as Rifleman Aminiasi Toge of 2nd Battalion The Rifles. Toge, 26, from Fiji, died from the blast...
Private Sébastien Courcy, 26, died around 6 a.m. Thursday morning, Kandahar time, while taking part in military operations A Canadian soldier fell to his death in Afghanistan Thursday, becoming...
ANKARA (AFP) – The commander of Turkey's...
Un soldat italien a été tué et trois autres blessés mardi lors d'un attentat à l'explosif dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan, a indiqué à l'AFP le ministère italien de la Défense. "Une patrouille a été...
(AP) An American service member has been killed in an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan, the U.S. military said. Sunday's attack in the town of Bargh-e-Matal in Nuristan province also...
A third U.S. service member died Friday from wounds suffered last month. Thousands of American troops have been taking part in the massive anti-Taliban offensive. They've met little direct...
t is with deep regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that five soldiers from The 2nd Battalion The Rifles have been killed in two separate explosions in Helmand today, Friday 10 July...
It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that a soldier from The 2nd Royal Tank Regiment has been killed in Afghanistan today, 10 July 2009. The soldier was killed as a...
Trois soldats de l'OTAN -deux Canadiens et un Britannique- ont été tués dans le crash de leur hélicoptère dans le sud de l'Afghanistan.
Sept soldats américains ont été tués lundi en Afghanistan sous les balles et dans l'explosion de deux bombes, a annoncé l'armée américaine, selon un dernier bilan, en cette journée, la plus...
In the first incident, a soldier from 4th Battalion The Rifles was killed in a contact explosion. The incident took place whilst he was on a foot patrol near Nad e-Ali, Helmand province, on the...
Trois soldats allemands ont été tués dans un accident consécutif à l'attaque d'une patrouille mardi dans les environs de Kunduz, une ville du nord de l'Afghanistan, a-t-on appris auprès du ministère...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of two soldiers who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. They died June 21 in Bagram, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when their unit was...
LONDON (AFP) – A British soldier has died in an explosion in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said on Saturday. The soldier, from 1st Battalion Welsh Guards, was killed while on a routine...
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan – A roadside bomb blast in southern Afghanistan killed two U.S. troops Friday, the U.S. military said. By NOOR KHAN, Associated Press Writer Noor Khan, Associated Press...
Army Sgt. 1st Class Kevin Dupont, who grew up in Chicopee, dies from injuries following explosion in Afghanistan. CHICOPEE - Army Sgt. 1st Class Kevin A. Dupont succumbed to his battle injuries...
COPENHAGEN (AFP) – Three Danish soldiers were killed Wednesday when a bomb exploded as their vehicle passed in the southern Afghanistan province of Helmand, the Danish military said. The three...
Tallinn, 15 June 2009 - It was with deep sadness that we received the news this morning of the loss of a brave Estonian soldier, Master Sergeant Allain Tikko, in Afghanistan, along with the injury of...
Le général américain Stanley McChrystal, un quatre étoiles qui a longtemps travaillé dans les opérations spéciales, a pris officiellement lundi ses nouvelles fonctions de commandant des forces de...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Spc. Jonathan C. O’Neill, 22, of Zephyrhills, Fla., died June 15 at Brooke Army Medical...
A Canadian soldier was killed in southern Afghanistan on Sunday when an improvised explosive device he was trying to defuse blew up, the military said. Cpl. Martin Dubé, 35, was a combat engineer...
It is with deep regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that Lieutenant Paul Mervis from The 2nd Battalion the Rifles (2 RIFLES) was killed as a result of an explosion during a deliberate...
It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that a Private Robert McLaren from The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS), was killed in...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Marine who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Ricky L. Richardson Jr., 33, of Franklin, Mo., died June 10...
ABUL, June 10 (KUNA) -- A US soldier was killed in an incident in eastern Afghanistan, the military said on Wednesday. A statement from the US Bagram base said the soldier died of non-combat related...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Marine who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Lance Cpl. Joshua R. Whittle, 20, of Downey, Calif., died June 6 while...
A Canadian soldier on foot patrol in southern Afghanistan was killed Monday by an improvised explosive device in the volatile Panjwaii district. Pte. Alexandre (Pelo) Peloquin, 20, of the 3e...
KUNDUZ, Afghanistan, June 8 (Xinhua) -- Two German soldiers sustained injuries as a roadside bomb struck their military vehicle in the relatively peaceful Kunduz province in north Afghanistan, a...
(AFP) – Six members of an Afghan family and a US soldier were among at least 51 people killed in a surge of attacks across Afghanistan where troops are battling an extremist insurgency, authorities...
KABUL (AFP) – Three US soldiers deployed to fight extremists in Afghanistan were killed Thursday when their convoy was ambushed with a bomb attack and gunfire, the US military said. The attack...
It is with sadness that the Ministry of Defence must announce that a British soldier from 2nd Battalion The Rifles was killed in Helmand province yesterday, Tuesday 2 June 2009. The soldier was...
Two roadside bombs that struck back-to-back only miles apart hit two U.S. military vehicles Monday, killing four American troops, U.S. and Afghan officials said. They died June 1 in Nerkh,...
It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must announce that Lance Corporal Nigel Moffett from The Light Dragoons and Corporal Stephen Bolger from The Parachute Regiment, were killed in...
Les traditionnelles journées portes ouvertes du 13eme RDP se tiendront les 13 et 14 juin à Dieuze. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site dédié à cet évènement. Une très belle vidéo à voir ci-dessous...
150 gendarmes français seront déployés en Afghanistan cet automne pour contribuer à la formation de la police afghane. Interrogé par le Figaro d'hier, le général Roland Gilles, directeur général de...
AP - Trois soldats américains de la force de l'OTAN et trois civils afghans ont été tués mardi dans un attentat à la voiture piégée dans l'est de l'Afghanistan, selon le gouvernement afghan et...
Un caporal-chef français d'une trentaine d'année est mort des suites de ses blessures, à l'hopital militaire de Bragram. Il a été touché à la tête par une balle tirée par son pistolet de service...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Le ministère américain de la défense (DoD) annonce aujourd'hui le...
It is with deepest regret that the Ministry of Defence must announce the death of an officer from 1st Battalion Welsh Guards on 12 May 2009 in Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham.
4 soldats britanniques ont été tués hier 7 mais dans plusieurs attaques. Les victimes sont un soldat du 1er Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles, un membre de la 173eme Provost Company, 3rd Regiment,...
En hommage au colonel Jean Sassi, l'ECPAD nous offre de retrouver ici quelques extraits de ses films peu connus. En ce jour du 55ème anniversaire de la chute du camp retranché de Dien Bien Phu, ce...
C'était le le 7 mai 1954 à 17h30. Le camp retranché de Dien Bien Phu tombait. Sans drapeau blanc selon les consignes de Bigeard. Voila un formidable extrait radio de RTL daté de Mai 1964 qui...
Two Latvian soldiers have been killed and two others have been wounded—one seriously—during a firefight with insurgents in Afghanistan. Details are scant, but the dead have been identified as Sgt....
Five coalition soldiers have been killed in an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan, Nato has said. Four of the dead were from the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force and one was a US...
Un soldat allemand a été tué et 9 autres blessés dans deux attaques séparées qui ont eu lieu le 29 avril dans la province de Kunduz au nord de l'Afghanistan. A German soldier was killed and nine...
L'ANSSO souhaite une bonne fête de Camerone à tous les Légionnaires qui servent avec Honneur et Fidélité en France et en opération en Afghanistan, en Côte d'Ivoire, au Tchad, au Liban, au Kosovo ......
Lance Sergeant Tobie Fasfous was a specialist mortarman, responsible for directing and controlling the mortar fire used to support friendly troops, an essential role in suppressing the...
(AFP) — Trois soldats français du Bataillon de commandement et de soutien ont été blessés mardi matin dans l'explosion d'une roquette à l'intérieur d'un camp militaire situé en périphérie de Kaboul,...
Le DoD à confirmé hier le décès le 15 avril du Private First Class (PFC) Richard A. Dewater, 21 ans, originaire de Topeka, Kansas. Son décès est intervenus apres l'explosion d'un IED lors d'une...
Le Capitaine Trond Petter Kolset (30 ans) membre du renseignement militaire norvégien a été tué vendredi dans le nord de l'Afghanistan par l'explosion d'une bombe au passage de son véhicule, annonce...
OTTAWA – Peter Gordon MacKay, ministre de la Défense nationale a fait la déclaration suivante aujourd’hui concernant le décès de la cavalière Karine Blais 21 ans : « Je tiens à offrir mes plus...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Cpl. Francisco X. Aguila, 35, of Bayamon, Puerto Rico, died April 14 in Kabul,...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of an airman who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Airman 1st Class Jacob I. Ramsey, 20, of Hesperia, Calif., died April 10 of...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Marine who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Lance Cpl. Blaise A. Oleski, 22, of Holland Patent, N.Y., died April 8 while...
One officer was killed and four other soldiers were wounded today, April 7, at around 7.45 (Romania time) in Afghanistan. Captain Vasile-Iuliu Unguras driving a patrol mission, consisting of four...
The Netherlands' defense chief said Monday that one soldier has been killed and five others injured during a rocket attack on a Dutch army base in Afghanistan. Gen. Peter van Uhm said at a press...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Spc. Adam M. Kuligowski, 21, of Arlington, Va., died Apr. 6 in Bagram, Afghanistan,...
TWO Australian soldiers have been wounded in Afghanistan when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb. The soldiers, serving with the Special Operations Task Group (SOTG), were travelling in their...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of an airman who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Staff Sgt. Phillip A Myers, 30, of Hopewell Va, died April 4 near Helmand province,...
Romanian soldier was killed and another injured as a mine went off outside Zabul provincial capital Qalat in south Afghanistan on Tuesday, provincial police chief Abdul Rahman Sargang said. "The...
Deux militaires de la DGSE, les services secrets français, ont été tués lundi par le déclenchement accidentel d'explosifs lors d'un exercice sur un terrain d'entraînement militaire isolé des...
Lt. Florence B. Choe, 35, of El Cajon, Calif., and Lt. j.g. Francis L. Toner IV, 26, of Narragansett, R.I., died March 27 when an insurgent posing as an Afghan National Army soldier opened fire on...
AP - Le président américain Barack Obama a ordonné vendredi l'envoi de 4.000 soldats supplémentaires dans la zone de guerre en Afghanistan afin de former les troupes locales. L'objectif des...
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama plans to send another 4,000 troops to Afghanistan along with hundreds of civilian specialists in an effort to confront what he considers "the central challenge...
Extra 2,000 British troops could be sent to fight in Afghanistan as Bin Laden 'plans fresh wave of attacks on West' An extra 2,000 British troops could be sent to fight in Afghanistan, the head of...
Three Australian soldiers serving in the peacekeeping of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), were wounded in a mine. The military forces of Australia and Afghanistan launched an...
Bruxelles : Kouchner annonce l'envoi des gendarmes français en Afghanistan. La France propose d'envoyer des gendarmes en Afghanistan pour contribuer à la formation de la police locale, jugée...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Pfc. Adam J. Hardt, 19, of Avondale, Ariz., died March 22, at Forward Operating...
The Department of Defense announced today the death of two Marines who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Corporals Anthony L. Williams, 21, of Oxford, Pa., and Michael W. Ouellette, 28,...
4 soldats canadiens ont été tués et 8 de leurs camarades ont par ailleurs été blesséshier vendredi 20 mars dans la région de Kandahar. Les Master Cpl. Scott Vernelli (23 ans père d'une petite fille...
Le 21 mars l'ISAF annonçait la mort, le 20 mars, d'un soldat de la coalition. Le DoD américain a confirmé le 23 mars, la mort d'un marine. The Department of Defense announced today the death of a...
An Australian soldier has been killed by an improvised explosive device (IED) while conducting operations in southern Afghanistan. Australian soldiers were conducting a route clearance early this...
Le Ministre de la défense Hervé Morin a promu Nicolas Belda au grade de caporal-chef et lui a, à titre posthume, remis les insignes de chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur. C'est dans la plus stricte...
Le Ministère américain de la Défense (DoD) à annoncé la mort le 14 mars 2009 du Staff Sergent Archie A. TAYLOR (37 ans) originaire du Texas et appartenant au coprs des Maines. L'incident qui n'est...
Un neuvième soldat australien à été tué au cours de combat avec une vingtaine d'insurgés taliban lundi 16 mars 2009 dans la région de Tarin kowt. Il s'agit du Corporal Matthew Hopkins. Source :...
Bundeswehrsoldat stirbt bei Verkehrsunfall Im Norden Afghanistans ist ein Bundeswehrsoldat bei einem Unfall ums Leben gekommen. Während einer Patrouillenfahrt nahe des Feldlagers Faizabad sei...
(AFP) – A string of bombs ripped through parts of Afghanistan on Sunday, killing four US soldiers . les victimes sont : Staff Sgt. Timothy L. Bowles, 24, of Tucson, Ariz., died March 15...
Le MoD (Ministery of Defense) britannique a confirmé la mort de 2 soldats du Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Dimanche 15 mars. Les Caporal Dean Thomas John et le Caporal Graeme Stifflors...
Le caporal Nicolas Belda, de la section de reconnaissance du 27e Bataillon de chasseurs alpins (BCA) d’Annecy, a été tué le 14 mars 2009 à 18 heures locales, (15 h30 heure française) alors qu’il se...
Alors que nous apprenons la mort d'un Caporal français du 27eme BCA d'Annecy, le MoD annonce que le Lance Corporal Christopher Harkett (22 ans) du 2nd Battalion, Royal Welsh Regiment a également été...
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